Seminars & Lecturers

Please feel free to contact us if you are considering holding seminars for various organizations, universities, or companies.

I am available for self-development seminars, vocation seminars, etc.

I speak on subjects according to your requests based on my experience of living abroad and starting 5 businesses in Japan and abroad.

Past Seminar Subjects

It's not too late! Young people have a lot of possibility and enagy.

Jobs that will disappear & will come in the future

What to do during your school years, What you should learn?

It's not scary to start a BUSINESS
Your life is only one time.

What kind of human resources will be needed in the future?

Communication Skills for all the generations.

How to make it popular with girls / boys?

Tips on how to live HAPPILY

Behind the TRAVEL Industry

Luxury Resorts of the World

How to live happily in OLD age

World Affairs & Economy

Europe Skiing & Hiking Information

Lesson for tour guide

※Seminar content can be changed flexibly upon request.

mailInquiry Form

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  • Please note that you may not receive a receipt email due to filter settings when you use a free email such as Gmail, or cell phone email address.
  • Please check our Privacy Policy and click the submit button after agreeing to the terms of the Privacy Policy.


    Name of company(in case of corporation)

    Email Address(Required)

    Telephone number(Required)

    Details of your inquiry(Required)


    number of letters within the 200
